Ritual Practice
Year-End Completion & Intentions
This is a ritual I've been doing for the last 8 years. I share it as an invitation to work with these questions any way that feels good to you.
It's sweet to do it together with others as well.
Taking a life and soul inventory is a way we can distill, extract and integrate our learnings from the previous year.
Journaling & tracking brings so much clarity & it accellerates us stepping into what we really want and supports our becoming and manifestational power <3
What were your most magical / meaningful moments?
What area was I most challenged this past year?
What are the biggest lessons and truths?
Disappointments & Regrets?
What did you put most time into?
What parts of yourself do you adore and want more of?
What didn't you do that you said you would do?
What are all the goals you accomplished?
What are you letting go of?
Any false stories, patterns, belief systems, relationships, habits, addictions or ways of being in life that are creating soul constipation?
In what areas do I need to have more compassion and acceptance?
What was the title of my year?
DETAILS // Areas to Explore
1) Were you generally kind to yourself this year?
2) Did you grow in your appreciation of self?
3) Did you pursue growth by taking classes, reading books, or starting new practices?
4) Do you like who you are becoming?
1) Do you have regular spiritual practices? Meditation, fasting, prayer work, or giving gratitude?
2) Did you take time for reflection--in nature, or perhaps on solo retreat or travel? Did you spend enough time alone?
3) Did you exercise regularly?
4) Did you eat well?
5) Did you pursue health improvement? With practitioners or supplements, etc?
1) Did you invest in yourself? Classes, coaching, online programs?
2) Did you get feedback from family, friends, or teachers?
3) Did you study systems that helped you to understand yourself better?
4) List the breakthroughs you’ve had, the goals you’ve achieved, and the milestones you’ve reached this year:
Emotional Habits
1) How were you with boundaries?
2) Did you choose people to be in your life who add to your growth and happiness? Did these friends contribute to your positive state of mind?
3) Are there people you have outgrown, or relationships you need to change?
4) Did you regularly choose happiness?
Emotional Lifestyle
1) Did you have fun?
2) Did you have activities that brought you pleasure and upliftment?
3) Did you experience inner peace regularly?
As a Spiritual Person Doing Business
1) Do you feel in integrity with your business/practice/offering?
2) Do you need to rekindle your dream?
3) Did you create balance between the personal /business/practice aspects of your life?
4) Are you approaching your work/business/practice from a place of love and expectation, or from one of duty and dread? If it's the latter, what do you need to do to change it?
Tune into what you desire to fulfill in this next upcoming year
This next part of the you can use what you were inspired by from the previous questions to guide this next year.
This process is not like traditional goal setting, it is not a list, this is an invitation to go beyond your rational mind and into the depths of your soul's desires.
An invitation to tune into what is there waiting to be created by you
Now, crossing through the gate of change.....
What do I really want? What’s the outcome I’m after? What are the specific measurable results? The more precise, the stronger your prayer is. Be specific. Express what it feels like to be living and experiencing your desires.
areas of life mastery:
How about health is there a specific measurable result??
meaning & emotions,
time, work/career/mission,
finances, and
Adventure & fun, experiences,
What choices and commitments aka Action Plans could I make to support myself to experience my fulfilled life?
What do I imagine would deepen my experience of those qualities? Habits i'll acquire/reinforce
a.) What kind of trigger words really motivate me to reach my goal?
What words stoke my heart/belly's fire with excitement?
What words really make me want to do something?
What's your role?; Identity Instigator for a marketing branding maven. You're not an IT person, you're a "Tech Detective" uncovering the secrets of the digital realm. Or financial planner is a "Fortune Teller," predicting money moves, child educators are "Artists," sculpting the brilliant minds of tomorrow. Mommas are "Queens of the dom." Nurturing all the abundant beauty of life like Lakshmi. I think of myself as Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, bridging heaven and earth.
Why am I doing it? What are my reasons? Why is this not just a “should,” but a must for me? The emotional quality of purpose makes what you will do not only sustainable, but powerful. What will it bring emotionally?
What is the essence of the qualities and virtues I want to embody?
Places I would like to travel:
or anything more long term that may feel exciting to write down here for your vision.
2024- (3 Years):
2025-30 (5-10 Years):
For this ritual,
I like to make offerings, with honey, fruits, corn, spirits, water, tobacco, sweet grass, flowers, crystals, totems, and medicines, songs… Holding a prayer in honor of growth, wisdom, love, power, truth, joy, lightness of heart and spirit, clarity, empowered choices actions & congruence.
May we honor ourselves, all beings, our ancestors, all the directions and the wisdom they hold.
May we take care of ourselves and eachother in good ways, May we have patience, trust, ease, and walk in right relationship through our thoughts, words, and deeds. May we nurture and mentor our inner children, play more, laugh more, and create more art and COlaborate. May we be forgiven for our shortcomings, may our blind spots be revealed in good ways, and may we transform and release our burdens well.
With Love,