All aspects of being, Spirit/Mind, Emotional body/soul, physical body, and heart integrated as one internally and externally. This includes owning healing transforming and integrating all aspects of oneself that have been denied or marginalized.
Transpersonal awakening is a concept that describes the experience of oneness unity and wholeness on all levels of existence. A continual lifetime endeavor.
This integrative work includes Awareness, Direct experience and identification with the void, the silence, The great mystery, the unknowable, infinite reality which lies beyond personal identity.
All aspects of being, Spirit/Mind, Emotional body/soul, physical body, and heart integrated as one internally and externally. This includes owning healing transforming and integrating all aspects of oneself that have been denied or marginalized.
Stages of development include
Egocentric- Which is a sense of individuality.
Ethnocentric- Which is healthy identification with family Village race and country.
World Centric- The earth and humanity an Cosmo centric which is oneness And identification with all that is.
As we evolve our consciousness, we also expand our ability to embrace and explore all the different states and stages of development we must experience.
Exploring Human Stages and levels we develope the ablity to reflect in which context we live. Based on the identification we will then explore ways in which to navigate life in this multiverse.
HEALING – The Art of Conscious Completion: Releasing the Patterns of the Past to Free Up Your Energy to Create the FutureAre incompletions in your relationships from the past preventing you from creating the intimacy you crave? Discover how to complete the past in ways that liberate your energy so you can be fully present to manifest your highest possibilities in love and in life.
LOVE – Authentic Self-Love: Falling Deeply & Deliciously in Love with You as the Foundation for Giving & Receiving Love From Others.We’ve all heard “You’ve got to learn how to love yourself first”, to which most of us reply “thank you for sharing – but how?!?!” Discover the core shifts you need to make to firmly establish the foundations of a loving relationship with yourself and that will transform every other relationship in your life so that you can experience deeper love and satisfaction.
HAPPINESS – Raising Your Happiness ‘Set Point’: The Keys & Tools to Ignite Your Imagination & Inspire Excellence . Discover how much the dissatisfaction you feel in your life and relationships is due to having a low happiness set point. When you raise your happiness set point your true dreams and visions will become more aligned and you will experience greater joy and inspiration on the path to living your greatest life.
SPIRIT – The Evolutionary Path to Spiritual PracticeHow do I develop myself spiritually? Should I meditate? Journal? Do yoga? Pray? Reflect? We live in an age of cafeteria-style spirituality, where we’re all just doing a bit of this and a bit of that. But even with our best intentions, we have a nagging feeling that somehow there’s much greater depth we’re still unable to access. Discover practices that work for you in this moment of your transformation.
POWER – Overcoming Codependence & Claiming Your Power In Relationships.
Do you have a hard time saying “no” to requests from others? How about worrying about what others think of you? Or feeling guilty when you take time off for yourself? If the answer is “yes” the good news is that you’re not alone — millions struggle with this as well! Your fear of asserting your own feelings isn’t your fault but stems from millennia of being valued according to other’s opinions of us. You must break this ancient pattern to come into your own authentic power! Practice how to forge an empowered independence that ultimately empowers a much more authentic sense of yourself, your potential and your place in the world.
HEALTH – Reclaiming Your Vitality: The Keys to Optimal Health & Well-Being
You know you need to make this your #1 priority and yet you find yourself giving to everyone else first and neglecting your own well-being: Why is this so and what can you do about it? Discover how to break through the the root causes and patterns of self-neglect so you can achieve your ideal weight, health, vitality and more.
Lets get started! <3