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Ritual Practice Year-End Completion & Intentions for 2019

Writer: Antonia TalayehAntonia Talayeh

Happy New Year, friends!

We made it!

Sending a warm hug to all of you, and feeling so blessed to be together on this journey of growth, discovery, and evolution.

We have two eclipses this month--one solar and one lunar.

While the partial solar eclipse at the New Moon will have a lighter vibration, the lunar eclipse at the Full Moon will a bit denser. It will likely bring old wounds up to the surface for them to be healed and cleared.

This month is about mastery of self and long term strategy. Where we focus our energy now is setting the tone for what's to come for us over the next 20-28 years!


With all this power of the cosmic forces at work and the wind in our sails, I am eager to share with you a ritual of review and renewal that I do at this time every year.

It helps me to celebrate and honor all that has happened over the past year, and to connect it with what is happening now, and with the aspirations I have for the new year.

Year-End Spiritual Completion

1) How do you feel as you complete the year?

2) Were there any experiences or events that affected you in a way that you feel is still unresolved or incomplete?

3) Do you need to have a rant? Forgive self or others? Are there any leftover emotions or self-judgments you need to discharge? Can you lay it to rest?

4) How did you grow this year? Do you feel proud of what you accomplished?

Areas to Explore


1) Were you generally kind to yourself this year?

2) Did you grow in your appreciation of self?

3) Did you pursue growth by taking classes, reading books, or starting new practices?

4) Do you like who you are becoming?


1) Do you have regular spiritual practices? Meditation, fasting, prayer work, or giving gratitude?

2) Did you take time for reflection--in nature, or perhaps on solo retreat or travel? Did you spend enough time alone?

3) Did you exercise regularly?

4) Did you eat well?

5) Did you pursue health improvement? With practitioners or supplements, etc?


1) Did you invest in yourself? Classes, coaching, online programs?

2) Did you get feedback from family, friends, or teachers?

3) Did you study systems that helped you to understand yourself better?

4) List the breakthroughs you’ve had, the goals you’ve achieved, and the milestones you’ve reached this year:

Emotional Habits

1) How were you with boundaries?

2) Did you choose people to be in your life who add to your growth and happiness? Did these friends contribute to your positive state of mind?

3) Are there people you have outgrown, or relationships you need to change?

4) Did you regularly choose happiness?

Emotional Lifestyle

1) Did you have fun?

2) Did you have activities that brought you pleasure and upliftment?

3) Did you experience inner peace regularly?

As a Spiritual Person Doing Business

1) Do you feel in integrity with your business/practice/offering?

2) Do you need to rekindle your dream?

3) Did you create balance between the personal /business/practice aspects of your life?

4) Are you approaching your work/business/practice from a place of love and expectation, or from one of duty and dread? If it's the latter, what do you need to do to change it?

What Do You Want to Manifest?

Where Do You Want to Live from?

What Do You Need to Upgrade your


Life Purpose


The purpose of my life is to live authentically, and to be in service; to experience the fullness, diversity, magic, celebration, sensations, and richness of life, and to do so in presence, in trust, and in truth. To call upon the medicine of the eagle and its power to see as many perspectives as possible so as to bring more unity consciousness into the world, and to help us humans remember who we are and how we can help to harmonize the planet. To listen to guiding spirit to help us make choices that will enable us to grow and transform in alignment with our soul's purpose. I'm here to grow spiritually, to love deeply, to give immensely, and to serve others to the best of my capacities. To use all the gifts Creation has bestowed upon me to make the biggest, most positive impact on our beautiful planet and universe that I can.


-Write out your answers by hand, in the present tense, as if they are happening right now. Feel it in your bones and in the core of your soul.


To help people raise their level of awareness by helping them to recognize their inherent genius, beauty, and true self-worth. My friends, co-creators, and I are helping people to learn how to recognize, nurture, listen, hear, heal, reclaim fragments, and integrate. We are helping them to dissolve self-doubts, fears, anxieties, lack of confidence, and any uncertainty that is holding them back from living their life’s purpose, in truth and happiness.  

I am allowing spirit to flow through my physical channel, to guide me and to maximize and utilize my abilities and gifts. I am becoming all that I am capable of becoming, both by using the tools I know, and by always learning more. I am authentically living my highest values with love, joy, purpose, balance, passion, fun, inspiration, peace, ease, grace and integrity.

I am constantly co-creating with my friends, my collaborators, and with the Cosmos itself.

My Highest Values I Live By and Make Decisions From:






My Top Aspirations For 2019/20

Health: What's it look like? What kind of schedule/plan do I need to maintain my health? What

works for me? What dates do I schedule in on my calendar this year to honor my health? (Retreats, detoxes, daily practice...etc)

Abundance: What kind? What form? By when? In what sequence of operations? How?

Relationships: With myself, with my partner, with my family, with my community, with my friends, with the earth? How? When? How often?

How does my business/offering/practice nurture my being? My purpose? How? When? Where? Through what? Through which projects?

Spiritual Growth: How? How do I know? How do I celebrate?

Charity: What? Who? How? How often?

Fun and Experiences: Time with myself, with my partner, with family and friends.

What am I doing? What will I do?

Contribution: How am I contributing? What am I contributing to? How does it feel?

Books I will Read and Study:

Courses/Trainings I will complete in order to grow my being, inspire me, educate me, and help me build my skills, understandings, and confidence.

Habits/Addictions I Will Release:

Habits I Will Acquire/Reinforce:

My Daily Am/Pm Rituals:

Places I will Travel:

2023 (3 Years):

2025-30 (5-10 Years):

This eclipse, I make an offering, with honey, fruits, corn, spirits, water, tobacco, sweet grass, flowers, crystals, totems, and medicines on behalf of myself and all of us.

Holding a prayer in honor of us and the growth, wisdom, truth, pain, joy, clarity, choices, actions, reactions and words we have lived this past year.

May we honor ourselves, Gaia, and each other with loving spaciousness in our hearts. May we demonstrate responsibility, patience, trust, ease, and right relationship through our thoughts, words, and deeds. May we nurture our inner children and play more, laugh more, and create more art!

With Love, peace, ease, hugs and gratitude,


We have a lot of forward moving energy this month calling us to our power, asking us to get out there and share what we know. We have two potent eclipses coming, and their energy will give us a much needed push. These eclipses will bring clarity; as they work their magic, we will feel more aligned and more confident about our path forward.

The first eclipse of the year is a solar eclipse on January 5-6th in  Capricorn. This is the first Capricorn eclipse we have had since 2011, and it heralds the start of a new eclipse cycle.

This solar eclipse will be helping us with a powerful energetic cosmic push. It will support us in setting goals and taking risks when it comes to leaping into our chosen direction.

Think back to what themes were happening in your life around 2009-2011, as this may give you a clue as to what this new eclipse cycle may bring your way.

The second eclipse falls on January 20-21st and is a Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. This eclipse is extremely significant and will be helping to wrap up a huge cycle of energy that we have been working with since February 2017.

While the solar eclipse has a lighter tone to it, the lunar eclipse at the end of the month may be heavy, and we may find some old pains and wounds brought up to the surface for clearing.

It seems that all of us are being called to detoxify our minds, bodies, and souls before we can move through the rest of the year.

The best way to navigate through the month is to use the energy of the solar eclipse to set intentions, and then to trust that in order for your intentions to be fulfilled, the lunar eclipse has to do some clearing for you.

By the month’s end, you may be feeling a little depleted due to the strong lunar energy, so be sure to rest up and recharge your batteries while you can.

For a private astro reading, you can reach out to Brian at

Brian can help you to understand how these energies affect you directly, and how you can harness them to find clarity and balance in your life for an abundant and harmonious 2019!

He and I are joining forces and offering a



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