Antonia is an intuitive energy healer and guide.
She walks through your worlds with you with exceptional safety throughout your paradigm shifts, holding you with love, compassion, grace and skill in becoming realized in your essential expression. Working with Antonia you will become more attuned to your deepest intuition and guidance.
Through her trauma informed understanding that non-verbal expression reveals more than our verbal stories can ever tell about the core material that organizes our experiences, she works with the body as a direct route to the unconscious. Antonia has a profound adeptness and deftness in working with the mind, body, selfs, soul and spirit and in the multidimensional field. Setting up experiments in mindfulness, we can an invoke the psychedelic experience without the psychedelics.
Between co-regulation and self regulation, deep full body listening & awareness, Antonia supports your self healing by evoking and midwifing you through your body and soul's natural healing processes and through re-consolidating formative experiences using the relational space and sometimes, support from others, including comforting touch.
Through mindfulness, loving presence, curiosity, supporting resistance, non-violence, organicity, & compassion, she creates the spaciousness to integrate fragments of the soul that impact your current reality. To reclaim your wholeness creating new relationships with self & all.
Antonia has been practicing,
and facilitating deep meditation journeys for 22 years.
She works one on one, with couples, and also leads a year-long immersive training, The Rainbow Bridges to support therapists, healers, guides and facilitators. She offers a relationship course called Foundations of Thriving with her husband Roger for couples and singles.
Antonia believes that a good therapeutic alliance depends largely on the personhood and state of mind of the guide. The focus of her trainings use this method of mindfulness and body based integrative somatic inquiry practice called Ontodelic Inquiry, to cultivate those personhood qualities and skills that would help anyone to be a healing presence for another.
Through the cohort and group work in RB trainings and workshops, participants experience a balance of theory, practice and application, and direct experience. The direct experience includes skill development in facilitation, tracking and contacting, and enactments to support collective witnessing collective intelligence healing, collaboration and connectivity. She has traveled and worked internationally, working in apprenticeship with Mexican and American shamans, elders and teachers.
Her practice embodies the integral evolutionary bridge of
modern western depth psychology with eastern
alchemical integration methods of the ancients.
...evoking and midwifing you through your body and soul's natural healing processes...

"The process is still unfolding within me. It has changed the trajectory of my life.
I feel immense gratitude that I was able to participate in this program. Antonia’s method of guiding is organic, adept, and with a high level of skill and compassion. The sessions themselves were full of insights, information, tools, and techniques. They also were very experiential. There was an expansive nature to the work, where I would learn a lot in sessions and it sinks in deeper and deeper over time."
-Kristen Willow Patton, Facilitator/Healer

Trainings & Background
* Family Constellations Systems, Teacher- Guthrie Sayen, PHD, PCC 2014-16
* Hakomi Somatic Psychotherapy 2016-2018
* Somatic Experiencing 2019-2020
* Leadership That Works Certified Professional Coach (CFT) Accredited Coach for Transformation through the International Coach Federation (ACTP), . May, 2016
* Dynamic Meditation/Yoga 200hr. With Divinitree Yoga in Peru 2016
* Certified Clinical Hypnotist Through the CCH, NHG, Through The Center for Integrative Hypnosis. 2015
* Emotional Freedom Technique EFT
* Living Freedom Total Integration Institute 2013-15, MX
* Level 1 & 2 Reiki Practitioner 2013
* Rebirthing | Transformational Breathwork Eduardo & Silvia Morelos Tepotzlan MX- 2014
* Vision Quests, Moondance and Indigenous Traditional Studies, Camino Rojo & Circles of Air & Stones 2011-present
*Las Piramides Del Ka Mystery School, Lago Atitlan Guatemala -2011-2012